OUR PRINCIPAL : Mrs. Michelle Lewis
- Highly Qualified Classroom Teacher in all subject areas K-6
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education
- Master of Education in Instructional Leadership
- Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) in Curriculum and Instruction
- Instructional Leadership Professional Administrator License PreK-12
- Principal at West Elementary Since 2013
- 28+ Years of Experience in Education
Warren County Schools intends to apply for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant for 2023. The overarching goal of the 21st CCLC program is to provide students, particularly students who attend schools in need of improvement, with academic enrichment opportunities and support services to help them meet state and local standards in the core content areas.
Attendance Policy:
When a student is absent, a note is required. This note is to be presented to the student’s homeroom teacher within three (3) days of the absence. The note should include the reason(s) for and the date(s) of the absence. The school may accept a written note from a parent or guardian verifying a student’s illness for up to a total of 5 accumulated days during the school year. However, if a student is absent due to his or her personal illness for more than a total of five accumulated days, a doctor’s note specifying inclusive dates for the illness must be submitted in order for any subsequent illness-related absences to be excused.
Warren County School Board policy states that if and/or when a student commits his/her third unexcused absence a letter and/or phone call will be sent to the parent or guardian, by the school in which the child is enrolled. If and/or when a student commits his/her fifth unexcused absence, that student’s name and the facts of such unlawful absence can be reported to the juvenile authorities.
Truancy Review Board: When a student has more than five (5) unexcused days absent from school, the principal or attendance clerk may summon that student to appear before the Truancy Review Board. This appearance counts as one appearance in juvenile court, and attendance by a parent or guardian is required. Students who are habitually absent will be reported to the juvenile judge who will determine what is best for the child. (Board Policy JB)